Saturday 26 October 2013

Ramen in England

My workmates and I all went out to lunch together on Friday to a Japanese place in Putney called the Hare and Tortoise which is just down the road from our work. There are a lot of places to go in Putney which is awesome because I can slowly go to them all! I think most of them have lunch deals as well which is cool, you don't have to spend to much.

This place had quite a lot of choice for vegetarians which was cool, all the food I saw other people getting all looked super yum as well. I wasn't sure whether to get the ramen or a stir fried one which I cant remember the name of because they both sounded so good. I ended up picking the ramen since I remembered how good the one in Japan was.

This one was vegetarian rather than the traditional pork though so it was quite different. It came in a giant bowl, probably the same one that you get the soups in at Wagamama back home, the kind that you have no hope of ever finishing!

The noodles were different than I would expect from ramen, they seemed like 2 minute noodle type ones, but were yum anyway. It came with lots of deep fried tofu which was awesome because I love deep fried tofu but haven't been able to find it in the supermarkets here yet.

It also came with carrot, spring onion, mushrooms, something which may have been bok choy or pak choy and seaweed. I didn't eat the seaweed though because I don't really like it other than in sushi. The broth was not as tasty as the Japanese ramen, although it was still very good.

I will give them a 3.5 I think. The service was quick and the food was really good and filling, for a good price as well. However they did start clearing away peoples plates when other people were still eating which I don't like because it makes the other people feel hurried. They also didn't have any condiments on the tables which was sad because I usually like to add some extra soy sauce.

I would totally go back though because there are more things I want to try and the ramen was good even if it wasn't as good as the Japanese one.

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