Monday 21 October 2013

Homemade brunch.. Yum!

Big brunch!
On Saturday morning we had planned to go out for brunch but it was pouring with rain so we decided to stay in instead and I would make us brunch. I had a look what we had in the cupboard/fridge and found that we actually had quite a lot of things so we ended up with quite a big brunch!

We had some vogels (soy and linseed, yum!) with sundried tomato pesto, and on that was a mix of onion, three colours of capsicum and cherry tomatoes which I fried up and put on the toast. On the side of that I had potato waffle from the freezer, some bubble and squeak from the freezer as well (I just fried both of those up) and some Halloumi from the fridge.

I had a fried egg on mine as well but Quentin does not like eggs so he didn't have one.

It ended up being quite a bit too much for us even though it was lunch time by the time we ate! I ended up giving Quentin most of my Halloumi because I thought it had a weird taste, although he liked it and ate it all. Other than that I managed most of my food, I just had to leave some of the capsicum and tomatoes.

It was a super yum breakfast. The pesto is really good and really cheap as well, less than 2 pounds from Sainsburys. They have a basil one and a sundried tomato one, and possibly another red one as well which I haven't tried yet.

Anyway an easy to make but delicious and filling breakfast that probably has some good nutrition as well, yay!

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