Tuesday 15 October 2013

Pizza and frozen yoghurt in Brixton

Vege special pizza
On Sunday we went to meet up with some friends in Brixton, where we hadn't been before. We ended up going to a sort of market place which was inside and had a bunch of different restaurants. We went to a pizza place which was pretty popular, we had to wait a little bit but we didn't mind because it looked and smelt amazing already!

They didn't have that many choices but they had a vege special and a meat special, and you could add things to the options they had on the menu, I think there were about 6. Quentin and I both ended up getting the vege special because it sounded like the best. I meant to order mine with olives but I forgot.

The vege special came with tomato sauce, onions, sundried tomato, cheese and pesto. I think that was all anyway! And the base of the pizza was sourdough which I don't think I have tried before. When it came to the table it was kind of swimming in oil which wasn't super appetising but it was really tasty, I used the extra oil on the top to dip my crust into which was pretty good actually.

I got to have some of Quentin's sundried tomato as well which was great. I managed to eat half of my pizza which wasn't the best effort but I got the other half to take home and ate it later so I ate the whole thing eventually.

While we were eating we ended up talking about frozen yogurt and realised there was a frozen yogurt place a few doors down so we went there afterwards. I forgot to take a photo but I got plain frozen yogurt with raspberries and strawberries and it was really good, I could have eaten twice as much! At the frozen yogurt place you could choose all your own things or you could pick one of their options like an Oreo one or a passion fruit mojito and so on. They all sounded a bit sweet for me which is why I only got the plain and fruit.

I would definitely go back to both places. I would give them a 3.5 because neither thing took too much to make but they were both delicious and with reasonable service and ambiance.

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