Tuesday 15 October 2013

A new way with sausage!

Sausage bake

With cheese!
It has started to get pretty cold here now so I wanted to make something for dinner that would warm us up from the inside and make us nice and full. I just thought about what we had in the fridge/cupboard and made up a new thing.

Firstly I chopped two onions in quarters and peeled about 8 garlic cloves and just chucked them in a baking dish. I chopped a bag of brussel sprouts (which I love!) into halves and added them, and then some new potatoes (maybe 200 grams or so) which I also chopped up into about quarters. I got out some vege sausages we had left over and chopped them roughly into four and added them as well. I put a little bit of oil, some salt and pepper on and mixed it all up and put that into the oven to bake for awhile.

While I was waiting on that I had a look what else we had in the cupboard and found some cherry tomatoes which needed using up, plus a can of kidney beans in chilli sauce, some chopped tomatoes and a can of ratatouille. After I had baked the other stuff until it was tender (taking it out and mixing it around a few times) I took out the baking tray and added the beans, tomatoes, ratatouille and cherry tomatoes, then popped it back in the oven.

I think I baked it for about an hour or so altogether, then when it was ready (it really just depends on the potatoes) I chopped some fresh flat leaf parsley and grated some cheese and sprinkled that on top. It was really delicious and fed us for two nights which was cool because I didn't have to cook tonight and could write this blog instead!

You could make this with other veges if you wanted and add other things or omit things if you wanted, it was basically see what you have in the house and bung it all together! Also while this was cooking I had time to make a lemon yogurt cake which my workmates and Quentin seemed to appreciate so it is a useful recipe if you have other things to do that you can fit in within an hour! Yum.

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