Sunday 1 September 2013




Last night we went out to Shoreditch to a place called Chico Bandito for dinner. We had wanted to go to another Mexican restaurant but we couldn't get a booking so this was our second choice. It is much closer to our house than the other one though so that was a bonus. When we got there it looked pretty cool, like all bright with paintings on the walls and stuff. They had some cool chandeliers made out of wagon wheels too. Quentin said he would make me one when we have a house, yay!

We wanted to get heaps of things but also knew we wouldn't be able to eat everything so we just got one starter and a main each. For a starter we got some chips and dips, guacamole, spicy hummus and refried bean dip. They were average. I wasn't sure whether they had made the dips there or not, the guacamole was really smooth which makes me think it wasn't fresh and the hummus just tasted like the hummus you get from the supermarket and was also not spicy. The refried beans could have just been put from a can into the serving platter. Also the tortilla chips were obviously just from a packet and were flavoured which took away from the flavours of the dips.

Anyway they all still tasted good, it just wasn't up to the standard I would expect (e.g. burrito brothers!). For our mains I got enchiladas and Quentin got a chimichanga. They both came with Mexican rice, salad, guacamole and sour cream. The salad was possibly a three bean mix or something similar from a can put onto some lettuce. The enchiladas were really good though, they had a vegetable mix inside which was in a sort of spicy tomato sauce and so yum! I saw capsicum, onion, courgette, pumpkin and mushroom but I think there were some other vegetables in there as well.

Quentin said that his chimichanga was good but it wasn't as good as a burrito brothers one because it wasn't as crispy on the outside as it should have been. I tasted a bit and I think we had the same vegetable mix inside. They give you a good amount of dips with your main though, I hate running out of guacamole and sour cream with my main so that was good.

Overall everything tasted good but the thing I liked the best was the vegetable mix in the enchiladas which was also the most home made part of the whole meal as far as I could tell! I have decided to give places we go stars out of five so I will give Chico Bandito 3 stars out of 5. It was good but definitely not up to the standard  I would want. However I would still go there again but I wouldn't pick to go there when I could go somewhere new.

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