Sunday 22 September 2013

Lunch in Notting Hill

Yesterday I met Jane for lunch in Notting Hill. We went to check out Portobello Street which had heaps of cool shops and also has a market on the weekends which I will hopefully get to at some point. Neither of us had been there before so we just walked until we found somewhere that looked good and ended up at a place called the Notting Hill Organic Kitchen. It was a small but nice place with a few other tables in for a late lunch. One of the other tables was a couple who probably grew up in the area because they looked really rich and also sounded like posh English people, funny!

They had a huge menu with all sorts of stuff but also a lunch deal where you could choose a main and a glass of wine for 10 so I went for that (wine, yay!). They had a few different things but someone at the next table ordered a pizza so then I wanted one. I ordered the vegetarian one and Jane got the margarita. The service was fast and the guy was really friendly although he didn't know what a flat white was. Apparently you can't really get them in London.

The pizza's were pretty large, I would have been happier if Quentin was there to help me eat it but I almost managed all of it. Probably shouldn't have but oh well! My pizza came with tomato sauce, roasted capsicum, goats cheese, mozzarella spinach and walnut oil. I can't say I tasted the walnut oil but the pizza was really good. The base was that thin, soft but kind of chewy type that I like. It probably wasn't as good as the pizza in Italy but it was close. The double cheese was awesome.

I'm not too sure what kind of wine I had because I didn't recognise the variety but it was from Chile and it was pretty good actually. Not like the beer Quentin and I got once thinking it was from Chile but it actually had chilli's in it!!

I will give this place a 4 out of 5. They had good prompt service, good value food which was delicious and I don't think they could have done much to improve. The only reason they get a 4 instead of higher is because it was only pizza which is not the most difficult thing to make, and is not that exciting. I would definitely go back though and try something else because all the meals I saw looked really good. Also you can get a side of mashed potato, winning!

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