Wednesday 4 September 2013

Burger Pizza!

Start with a pizza for the bottom

Add burger patties



Ketchup and mustard

Then add the second pizza


And eat!
After being inspired by something I read online about burger pizza's being offered for sale in Japan Quentin and I decided to make one ourselves.

Quentin is very good at making pizzas so he made the bases and I organised the stuff to go in the middle. We got some vegetarian burgers which look like meat ones because we thought that would make it look more authentic.

First Quentin made the pizzas and we cooked them until they were almost done and then took them out. We had just put pizza sauce and cheese on the pizzas so I added ketchup and mustard on the bottom, then the burger patties, then chopped onions, then pickles, then more ketchup and mustard and the second pizza.

Then we put it back in the oven for a bit to heat the filling and melt the cheese. I cut the burger pizza into 6 pieces like a pizza and it was delicious! It actually tasted like a burger and also a pizza, so good! I assume it is not terribly good for you but a good experience.

Between us we managed to eat almost half of this, if only we had someone else to help us eat it.

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