Sunday 22 September 2013

Bangers and Mash

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Side view, mmm steamy
It is super cold already, the weather changes so quickly here! The weather makes me want to make good stodgy food so yesterday I decided to make bangers and mash. They have tonnes of vege sausages over here so we are going to try as many as we can and see which ones are the best. It will be good news for summer barbeques! Also I'm not sure why they are trying to make meat in a lab when there are perfectly good meat substitutes already, just eat some soy!

I used up all the potato I had left in the cupboard and while that was boiling for the mash I sliced some onions and cabbage and fried that up with some salt. I am in love with cabbage at the moment, not sure why but it is awesome! Also a good winter vegetable. You can get all the foods all year round over here but I think it's better to have summer things in summer and winter things in winter.
When the potatoes were done I mashed them with some (I can't believe it's not) butter and milk. Once they were nice and mashed I stirred in some pesto. The cabbage and onions were pretty much cooked then too so I put on the sausages. We had two Asda brand sausages left so I used them and also two Quorn sausages which I hadn't tried yet.

I made some onion gravy too (Bisto brand) and when that was all ready I just put the potato on the bottom, then the cabbage and onions, then the sausage and put the gravy around. I think I still need to work on my presentation skills but not too bad!

We both liked the Asda sausages better than the Quorn ones so we won't get Quorn again. There are still a bunch more to try though. It was a good meal, I had to get Quentin to finish mine though because it was more filling than it looked! Also cabbage and onion together is the best, definitely going to make more of that! Winter food is delish. Quentin said I am making the best food at the moment, at least I am doing something productive while looking for a job!!

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