Thursday 29 August 2013

France - Something I Didn't Make

Apple Tarte Tatin
On one of the days that we were visiting Versailles we went to a bakery to get lunch because we got sick of looking at menus we couldn't read outside restaurants! We figured that at least with a bakery you can see what you are getting! Anyway this place seemed like it was probably part of a chain but the food looked amazing.

They had a deal where you get one sandwich type item, one dessert and one drink for a set price so we figured why not. The thing was, our sandwiches were so big we didn't end up wanting our desserts but we had to try them because they were so good looking.

Quentin had a chocolate éclair which was filled with chocolate mousse, delicious but way too sweet and sickly for me. I almost chose another tarte because it looked beautiful but that one was cherry and I don't know how I feel about cherries so I went with the classic apple.

The pastry was nice and crisp on the bottom and the apples were cooked well enough that you didn't pull the tarte apart when you took a bite. The only problem was the glaze. While it was delicious there was so much of it that it was getting on everything! It was also quite sweet but so moreish I kept eating it even though I was so full.

We didn't manage to finish the éclair or the tarte but we both agreed that the French rule at making pastries. Even though I am not really a dessert person I would probably get this again, I might even try the cherry!

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