Wednesday 6 November 2013

Mexican Lasange??

Mmmm Lasange
Quentin's brother Seamus came to stay with us for a few days last week so I had three people to cook for instead of two, which ended up being pretty lucky actually because this meal turned out kind of giant!

I had bought some random Mexican like things (chilli beans, corn tortillas etc.) so I thought I would make something Mexican. But I didn't know what exactly. I started with this packet of 'taco mix' which I found in the supermarket and got because it seemed interesting and had some soy mince in it. You just add the packet to 600mil of water and simmer for about 15 minutes while stirring.

So I had that cooking and I also started a pan with onions, red and green peppers and some mushrooms cooking since they needed using up. When the mince mixture was almost ready I added a can of chilli beans, and the vegetables. I also chucked in a bit of salt and pepper, paprika and some cayenne. I got a new spice rack recently which is awesome, it has all of the things that I want.

I cooked that a bit more and then decided I would make some kind of a bake so I put a layer of corn tortillas down into a greased oven tray, covered that with some of the mince/bean/vege mix, put down another layer of tortillas, another layer of beans and another layer of tortillas.

I had some chopped tomatoes with chilli and peppers in the cupboard so I spread about half the box over the top of everything (come to think of it, I may have put a box of tomatoes in the bean mix as well) and then chucked some cheese on top.

I put it in the oven to bake for some amount of time which may have been about 20 minutes and then served it with some salad, guacamole (I didn't make my own this time but next time I totally will) and tomatillo salsa. Usually I find tomatillo salsa mild but this one secretly had jalapenos in it (ok so I didn't read the ingredients) and was preeetty spicy. A little was ok though.

It was a really good dinner actually, and we ended up having it again the next night, I just baked it again with extra cheese and tomato on top, and served it with salad and some sliced grilled potatoes. It may even have been better the second night actually, since the flavours had developed. Anyway it was super tasty but not really good for two people, more for if you are having a few people over I think.

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