Sunday 17 November 2013

Snacks and drinks at Lost & Co

Arancini, so pretty!

Arancini and fries!
Last week one of my workmates from Ireland was over in the London office so we went out for some drinks on Thursday. There are heaps of places to go for drinks in Putney, and lots of restaurants as well which is cool. We went to a place called Lost & Co which is apparently quite new because it used to be a different restaurant.

They have a lot of different beers on tap which is cool but their food menu is almost completely vegetarian free so there wasn't a lot of choice for me. Everyone else was getting pizzas but there was only one vegetarian pizza and it had only things I didn't like on it. It was pear, walnut and goats cheese I think. So not the best.

Luckily they did have a couple of things I could eat on the snack menu so I ordered the fries and arancini. I had actually just been saying to Quentin the other day how I wanted some arancini so I was happy that they had them on the menu.

The pizzas looked pretty good but they should totally have more vege options! The food came out reasonably quickly as well which was good. The fries were fries, I mean you can't really get them wrong unless they aren't fresh. These were nice and hot and crispy and I ate them all!

The arancini were really tasty, they had a nice crisp coating with soft rice inside and some cheese in the middle which was all melty and delicious. I think it's hard to make rice delicious and usually find it bland but this rice was full of flavour. I couldn't eat all of the arancini since I had eaten all of the fries but the others all wanted to try them so it worked out well.

I have no idea what the dip was which came with the arancini and forgot to look on the menu but it had a strange flavour. Quite good but also weird. I can't even really explain what it was except it reminded me a bit of a tapenade.

The service was good and the beer list is impressive but since they had almost no options for a vegetarian I am only going to give them a 3. The food I got was good but fries and arancini are not what I would usually choose to have for dinner.

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